Friday, May 12, 2006

Froma Harrop: 'Demon drug' propaganda doesn't cut it anymore

The Providence Journal

America's war on drugs is actually a Raid on Taxpayers. The war costs an estimated $70 billion a year to prosecute, and the drugs keep pouring in. But while the War on Drugs may have failed its official mission, it is a great success as a job-creation program. Thousands of drug agents, police, detectives, prosecutors, judges, anti-drug activists, prison guards and their support staffs can thank the program for their daily bread and health benefits.

The American people are clearly not ready to decriminalize cocaine, heroine or other hard drugs, but they're well on their way to easing up on marijuana. A Zogby poll found that nearly half of Americans now want pot legal and regulated, like alcohol. Few buy into the "demon drug" propaganda anymore, and for a simple reason: Several countries have decriminalized marijuana with little effect on public health.

Americans could save a ton of money doing the same. The taxpayers spend almost $8 billion a year enforcing the ban on marijuana, according to a report by visiting Harvard economist Jeffrey A. Miron. State and local governments consume about $5 billion of the total.

The war on pot fills our jails. America arrests 755,000 people every year for marijuana infractions -- the vast majority for possession, not dealing. An estimated 80,000 people now sit behind bars on marijuana offenses.

The Bush administration stoutly supports the campaign against marijuana, which others think is crazy. Compare the Canadian and American approach to medical marijuana: The Canadian Postal Service delivers it right into the mailboxes of Canadian cancer patients. The U.S. Justice Department invades the patients' backyards and rips out cannabis plants, even those grown with a state's blessing.

The Bush administration isn't going to last forever, nor is the patience of Americans paying for and suffering under the ludicrous war on marijuana. Surely letting sick people smoke marijuana to ease their discomfort -- 11 states have approved such, including Rhode Island -- would be a good start for a more enlightened drug policy.

For the drug warriors, however, this toe in the water seems a foot in the door for eventual decriminalization of pot. That's understandable. Relaxing the rules on marijuana would greatly reduce the need for their services.

Remember the Supreme Court case two years ago, when Justice Stephen Breyer innocently suggested that the federal Food and Drug Administration be asked to rule on whether marijuana had an accepted medical use? Well, the FDA has just ruled. In a total lie, the FDA said that no scientific studies back the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Actually, the prestigious Institute of Medicine issued its findings in 1999 that marijuana helped patients for pain and for the relief of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.

The federal government "loves to ignore our report," John Benson, a professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska and co-chairman of the committee that wrote the Institute of Medicine" study, said after the FDA issued its "advisory."

The Drug Enforcement Administration, which feeds off the drug war, plays a big part in stopping this and all future efforts to reach educated opinions on marijuana. Lyle Craker, a University of Massachusetts authority on medicinal plants, wanted to grow marijuana for the purpose of evaluating its possible medical uses. The DEA said no, insisting that he use marijuana from a University of Mississippi lab. The DEA knows full well that the UMiss pot is low-quality and therefore useless for study.

The drug warriors' incentive to keep the game going is pretty obvious. But what's in it for taxpayers?

Miron's Harvard study looked beyond what the public pays to enforce the marijuana laws. It also investigated how much money would roll in if marijuana were legal and taxed like alcohol. The answer was over $6 billion in annual tax revenues. Do the math: If government stopped outlawing marijuana and started taxing it, its coffers would be $14 billion richer every year.

We could use that money. For example, $14 billion could pay for all the anti-terrorism port-security measures required in the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002.

More than 500 economists of every political stripe have endorsed the Miron study. Growing numbers of Americans are beginning to agree with them: The war against marijuana is an expensive failure -- and pointless, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, this is a new slant on the problem! Economics! Harvard, no less…The suits would have a hard time arguing with that one. It makes much more sense than the hogwash the FDA has been dishing out recently.

Before general legalization can occur, however, we must get the government to admit that marijuana has been used as medicine for centuries.

A 2,000 year old Chinese text lists more than 100 ailments that were treated with marijuana at that time. High on the list are joint inflammation, digestive problems, and malaria. It was also used as a painkiller during operations. Now if it was known so long ago that marijuana will help to reduce pain, why do the blinkered folk at the FDA continue to deny its medical efficacy?

The government is afraid, that’s why. The same way Richard Nixon was afraid in 1970, when he ordered marijuana to be classified as a Schedule One drug, more dangerous than cocaine.

Marijuana is synonymous with what used to be known as the counter-culture. It means peace rallies and anti-war demonstrations. It means people disagreeing with archaic government policies. It means people refusing to put on a uniform and go off to foreign lands at the behest of the President.

The State of New Mexico conducted research into marijuana from 1979 to 1986. Their conclusion was that “marijuana was not only an effective anti-nausea drug, but also that it was far superior to the best available conventional drug.”

How dare the FDA come out with a blanket condemnation of marijuana, in the face of such research results? They dare, because they get their orders from the top. It’s no accident that the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 was passed under Richard Nixon. Whoever’s in the White House calls the shots.

With Bush and company making huge oil and war profits off the situation in Iraq, the last thing they need is millions of young people getting anti-war ideas after toking up together.

I have prostate cancer and the chemo therapy just about did me in. Were it not for the fact that I live in one the eleven states that allows medpot, I would have thrown in the towel from the side effects of the chemo. Then came radiation, and the only thing that kept me going was the joint I was allowed to smoke after the therapy.

Where does one get cannabis legally, when there are no compassion clubs around? The answer is simple—grow your own. I summoned up the courage to do so after visiting a very enlightened website, that was designed to help legal medpot patients get started in marijuana cultivation.

I now grow six plants in my backyard, and with the warm weather of the last little while, the seedlings are thriving. I feed them with a 3-part, time-release fertilizer called Heavy Harvest, Spring, Summer, and Fall. I only have to apply it three times a year.

I also treat my root systems with Piranha and Tarantula, made by the same Advanced Nutrients Medical company. They help colonize the roots with beneficial fungi and bacteria to aid in the absorption of the nutrients.

So don’t hold your breath about marijuana being legalized across the board, but we can always hope that New Jersey will become the 12th state to legalize medpot within its own borders.

5/15/2006 02:13:00 PM  
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